Claiming Space: Snippenparken Oslo

Welcome to the final iteration of the Claiming Space Norway/Sápmi!
We meet up in Snippenparken at 5pm (the playgound between Tøyengata/Jens Bjelkes gate) and walk together down Tøyengata to Anarres Bokkafé in Urtegata.
Transits of Belonging embodies the elements that construct Zirenia´s being, revealing a body and identity that resist definition. In the constant transit across borders—geographical, cultural, and internal—she finds that crossing becomes easier through solidarity. Transits of Belonging is an exploration of these shared spaces, where identity is a mosaic of experiences, dancing across the lines that both divide and connect us.
Zirenia is an artist from Abya Yala, or Latin America, born in Mexico. Her multidisciplinary practice includes performance, video essays, and multimedia installations, focusing on themes like technology, transcultural interactions, generational trauma, heritage, and migration. Zirenia creates spaces for knowledge exchange and collaboration, believing in the power of collective growth.
Claiming Space: Norway/Sápmi explores the role of public space as norm makers and a place for social expectations and sanctions.
Claiming Space: Norway/Sápmi is produced by Fotogalleriet with curators Bassel Hatoum and Miki Gebrelul, and Head of Mediation and Communications Lisa A. Bernhoft-Sjødin, and Communications Advisor Arash Shahali.
With funding from LOK (Local Community Ordinance) from KORO (Art in Public Space).