La Passione: Guided Tour

Fotogalleriet invites you to join a guided tour of the exhibition La Passione, a project by Marianne Heier. The artist herself will host the tour.
La Passione is a research-based endeavour project that stems from several years of conversations between the artist and Fotogalleriet about Italian radical feminism and its special, close relationship with the visual arts and, especially photography. Consisting of an intergenerational and transhistorical overview —archival documentation, artworks, notes and other material— this unique presentation aims to shed light on cogent contemporary issues of biased genders’ norms and current resurging fascisms, in Italy and abroad, to address structural violence and where we decide to stand today.
The exhibition brings and bridges Italian feminist history into Norway to point out that the equality struggle never ended, and still, to the decades past the achievement of equal and fundamental gender rights in the 1970s, from this day, feminicide and violence against women and gender non-conforming bodies remains the unquestioned standard unconnected to forceful family ties, a dictatorship of gender and reproduction bundle by a pretense of tradition and traditional families.
The exhibition presents for the first time in Norway a large selection of works coming from the unique photographic collection of Collezione Donata Pizzi; additional works are on loan from the Chiara Fumai archive, Ottonella Mocellin, Alessandra Spranzi and Marco Vaglieri. In addition, we would like to thank individual artists Silvia Giambrone and Bingöl Elmas for giving permission to present their work within the exhibition, and curator Milovan Farronato.
We are very grateful for their generosity and collaboration.
Artist Marianne Heier extends her gratitude to Arts and Culture Norway for supporting the production of her work in view of the exhibition. We also acknowledge the kind support of the Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Oslo.
Antonio Cataldo (Curator and former Artistic director, Fotogalleriet)
Miki Gebrelul (Curator and Head of exhibitions, Fotogalleriet)
Lara Okafor (Curatorial Fellow, Fotogalleriet)