Exhibition opening: “Indoctrination: Multivalent Gestures”

The exhibition will be introduced by curator Beatriz Lobo from INIVA — Institute of International Visual Arts, London, UK, and opened by Oslo’s City Councillor for Culture, Sports and Volunteering, Omar Samy Gamal.
“The exhibition Indoktrinering: Multivalente Bevegelser reflects on the de facto diversity of contemporary society to focus on often under- or mis-represented narratives in mainstream discourse. The exhibition wants to refrain from subscribing to a margin versus center paradigm but to articulate and affirm the multiplicity of group-oriented subjectivities, voices, identities, and affiliations in constant formation in the public realm today, deserving more attention to deconstructing prejudicial views on non-conforming identities.”
About the speakers:
Oslo’s city councillor for culture, sport and volunteering Omar Samy Gamal will hold the official opening speech for the exhibition. As a city councillor, Omar Samy Gamal is passionate about increased access to art, culture, sport and volunteering for Oslo residents of all ages, and especially for those who do not feel that arts and culture is already facilitated or organised for their participation.
Curator Beatriz Lobo Britto from iniva – Institute of International Visual Arts (UK) will give an introductory speech. Beatriz Lobo Britto (b.1994, Brazil), a curator at iniva since 2022, is also a museologist, researcher and an enthusiast of non-hierarchical thinking. She believes in the equality of ideas and non-linear ways of composing and organizing them. Interested in performance art as a form of critique, and guided by a theoretical approach, she works under an intersectional feminist framework. Her most recent research investigates strategies to decolonize the curatorial through Brazilian art practices.
Beatriz is visiting for the occasion of the exhibition opening of Indoktrinering: Multivalente Bevegelser curated by Dahir Hussein, Fotogalleriet’s first curatorial fellow (2022-2023). The position is established to increase access and introduce new voices into the Norwegian art field, especially from diasporic and minority backgrounds and perspectives.
In addition to Beatriz Lobo Britto and Omar Samy Gamal, the exhibition will be introduced by exhibition curator Dahir Hussein and Fotogalleriet’s Artistic Director Dr Antonio Cataldo.
Participating exhibition artists are Lengua, Jinbin Chen, Dev Dhunsi, Ilavenil Jayapalan, og Margaret Abeshu.
For the full exhibition text, see the exhibition page.